Friday, June 08, 2007

Very weird service/website, yes. (according to some people :P )

But then, whatever we don't know, we are pretty much afraid or ignorant about it.

So it is this little website, which isn't so "little" after all.

The main purpose of is to make a "social music revolution". It's a service, which allows you to download its software and use it. Whatever you're listening to (music) will get "scrobbled" onto your customised page on the same website. Scrobbling here means submitting tracks onto your website page through the software. You just need basic tagging - Song title and artist/band name is the important. Without that basic knowledge you can't scrobble tracks. Other than that, the software will find the proper album, and scrobble it. Scrobbling takes place when the track reaches 1/2 of its the time, or 4 minutes, which ever is earlier.

That way, you can check out your detailed charts, your daily track average, your tastes, interests, participate in forums and many many more things. The best part is - you get this radio service. Isn't much, but gives you awesome recommendations. For example, you click on this button (either recommendation, or a tag/genre, or an artist), and it'll start playing music based on your taste and interest. That way you can write down the recommendations you like, and go out and buy the records or download them from some p2p.

Another great advantage is that you can find people on the website, with the same tastes as yours. That way, you can make friends with them, share music, talk. I've made many friends from there, and we share a lot of fun talk and good music.

Join up/download soft if you -
1. Are a music freak
2. Have a lot of music
3. You listen to your music daily.
4. Would like to try something like this.

Links -
- Weekly charts. - My Page - Download software for your pc.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah BC you've two Last fm accounts?!?! :|
yeah is good ..especially when you've an urge to show (off) others what you're lissening to xD